OUR GOAL Project: Mata Gorda
This year for our Christmas offering we are raising money for a church in the Dominican Republic that Pastor Andre Lara founded and that our missions teams have ministered with - Iglesia Comunidad Christiana, Mata Gorda (Christian Community Church).
Our goal is to raise $35,000 to help them purchase land with which to build a buillding and to begin the building process.
If we raise about $50,000 we can purchase the land, begin the building project, and help support the churh to run for a year.
If we raise $80,000 we can purchase the land and finish the entire building project.
If we rase $95,000 we can purchase the land, finish the entire building project, and help support the church for an entire year.
Please pray about how God can use you to help see the Gospel preached to the ends of the earth.
Click HERE to donate now.
Domincan Republic Missions Trip - 2018
Check out the video below of a trip Hickory Creek Youth took to the Dominican Republic helping
Pastor Andrea's church and the surrounding community.