Experience Growth at Hickory Creek Church

Whether you are new to Hickory Creek Church or looking to get more involved, Exp GROWTH is a great place to start. During the Exp GROWTH journey you will be able to learn more about the TRUTHS we hold and how to BELONG at Hickory Creek Church. If you decide to make Hickory Creek your home church, your next steps would be to join Exp CONNECT, which happens on two consecutive Sundays where you will connect with other people within the church, learn what it means to be a part of a group at HCC, and learn our core values. You can either attend both weeks at the 9:30 services or the 11:00 services. 

Session 1

Dates coming soon!

Session 2

Dates coming soon! 

To Register for expGrowth - Link coming soon!

Please watch the expTruth session before attending! 

Video is below! 

Session One - expTruth

ExpTRUTH is a one-hour session of walking the participants through the doctrine, the core beliefs, and the practices in the church. 

Session Two - expBelong

ExpBELONG is a one-hour session where the  participants can hear and to commit to different serving opportunities and different groups within HCC. Session two is also designed for participants to commit to baptisms (if they have not been baptized yet) and to join membership within the church. If you choose to join membership, your next step would be to join expCONNECT (Explained Below).


Once people have gone through expTruth and expBelong and choose to become members at HCC, their next step is to join Exp CONNECT. 

ExpCONNECT is a four week study during four consecutive Sundays for people interested in getting connected to one of our Groups at HCC. During each of the four one hour sessions, you will have the opportunity to connect with people and experience what it is like being a part of one of our Groups at HCC.

ExpGrowth Series


Big Church

Small Community

We have been created to live in community and not in isolation. Physically, we do live in a community, but spiritually, socially, and relationally we often live our lives in isolation. We find ourselves with no one to turn to when we have a major issue that has just surfaced in our life. Living in community affords us the opportunity to more wholly experience God through close relationships as we play and pray together, as we encourage and help one another, and as we study and live out God’s word together. We would highly recommend signing up for expGrowth as we believe it is an essential part of growing at HCC and growing in your walk with the Lord. If interested, sign-up below! 

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

Hebrews 10:24-25

Questions about expGrowth?

E-mail Pastor Bob Lullo at Bob@hickorycreeckchurch.org.

E-mail Pastor Julius at Julius@hickorycreekchurch.org.